K5 Information

Our K5 System is very advanced for its time, which is good news for you to hear! Our Reverse Osmosis System has three Main Filters a Pre-Filter and a Post-Filter, VOC Guard Filter which significantly reduces organic compounds, then there is one Membrane. Our Pre-Filter will help remove Chlorine and Sediment, And the Post-Filter helps eliminate additional compounds that could create a foul taste and odor. The Membrane will remove most contaminates such as metals and nitrates.

Our K5 Systems actually washes its own membrane out as well so now you won’t have to worry about having to change the membrane out every one-two years! We trust in our membrane so much we put a 10-year warranty on it!

We also have the option to add one more Filters on this K5 System! It is not needed to have fresh clean water the main filters will do that. Having these extra filters can just help customize to meet the needs of your home.
Extra Filters
We have Six Extra Filters to be able to make sure we keep your water the way you want.

- VOC Guard – Significantly Reduces Organic Compounds. (Included With Purchased K5)
- Mineral Plus – Adds a Healthy amount of Minerals back into your water.
- Purefecta Guard – This Creates Biopure drinking water significantly reducing Bacteria and Viruses.
- Arsenic Guard – Specifically designed to filter arsenic.
- Perchlorate Guard – Significantly Reduces the amount of Perchlorate (a byproduct of manufacturing)
- Chloramine Guard – Significantly Reduces Chloramine a chemical used to treat water.

Here is some Brochures